Tired of the high crime rate in Memphis?
Do something!!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Can’t attend in person? Check out these virtual opportunities

Memphis City Council meetings

Stream public meetings through your computer or mobile phone. Browse upcoming events to find topics, dates, and times.

Miss a meeting? Find it in the archives.  Watch the video or read the agenda and minutes to get up to speed.

Shelby County Board of Commissioners meetings

Get information about upcoming meetings and find out how you can watch them.

You can also access archived videos.

Put pen to paper or pick up the phone

If your work schedule or other obligations make it impossible to attend in-person meetings, you can still be heard. Compose an email or letter. Then visit our FAQs to find a physical or email address to send your message to.

You can also call your leaders and share your concerns. Visit our FAQs for steps to find out who your representatives are and phone numbers where they can be reached.

Know before you go

To effectively state your case, do your homework first. Educate yourself about current issues that will impact you and your community. Then read these tips to help you express your ideas—verbally and in writing—in a clear, persuasive way.

Hold leaders accountable: VOTE.

When you vote, you make your voice heard. Actively support leaders who will work to prevent crime and keep us safe.

Not registered to vote?

And if you don’t know who your elected leaders are, visit our FAQs to find out.

Key dates and election calendars

Quickly access important local and state election dates and deadlines. Make note and make plans to act.